What Is In IV Fluids

What Is In IV Fluids?

What Is In IV Fluids?

Human body relies on a diverse range of vitamins and nutrients for its daily functions, yet it cannot produce these essential elements internally. While most of these vital substances are obtained from our diet and beverages, the body’s absorption of nutrients isn’t always optimal.

IV therapy addresses this issue by delivering nutrients directly into the bloodstream, ensuring 100% absorption. This approach proves especially beneficial during illness when the body’s nutrient requirements are heightened, helping with quicker recovery.

Manhattan IV Therapy offers a range of IV drip therapy options that are designed to help you get rid of the symptoms associated with various conditions, promptly and effectively. 

What Is In IV Fluids? 

Here are the common nutrients and ingredients that constitute most of the IV Fluids:

Hydration Fluids

IV fluids, also known as saline solution, are a mix of salt and water that are sterile and safe for your body. This liquid is used in IV treatments to give your body the hydration it needs, to help medicines work better, and to carry essential vitamins throughout your body.

Since our bodies are mostly made up of water, it’s super important to stay hydrated for everything to work properly.

Staying hydrated offers health benefits such as:

  • Making your joints feel better
  • Keeping your heart healthy
  • Helping you have more energy and stamina
  • Making you feel happier
  • Giving you better focus and concentration
  • Keeping your mind clear and sharp

Using IV solutions makes sure that your body absorbs all the good stuff from the IV treatment, so you can benefit the most from the nutrients and medicines.


Iron is a really important mineral for our bodies to grow and stay healthy. Our bodies make iron to create hemoglobin, a special protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from our lungs to the rest of our body. Iron also helps make myoglobin, another protein that gives oxygen to our muscles.

Iron carries out several important jobs in our bodies, like keeping our immune system strong, helping our stomach work well, and controlling our body’s temperature. It’s also required to make hormones.

The amount of iron required each day depends on factors like age, gender, and health condition. Pregnant women need even more iron because they’re making blood for both themselves as well as the baby. People who don’t consume meat might not get as much iron, because our bodies don’t absorb iron from plants as well as we do from meat and fish.

Not having enough iron can lead to serious health problems, like iron deficiency anemia. This can cause issues like feeling dizzy, having pale skin, feeling tired all the time, and several other symptoms.

When iron levels are low, the quickest way to fix it is through an IV infusion, where iron is delivered straight into the bloodstream. This helps avoid stomach problems that can happen with iron pills. IV infusion makes sure that your body gets the most iron possible, without any problems with absorbing it in your gut.

Vitamin C

Another name for Vitamin C is Ascorbic Acid. It’s a vitamin that dissolves in water and carries out several important tasks in the body. It helps keep muscles, bones, immune system, and blood vessels healthy.

Vitamin C helps make collagen, which is like the glue that holds our body together. Collagen is important for healing wounds and preventing stretch marks.

This vitamin also acts like a shield against harmful molecules called free radicals. Free radicals can damage tissues and make us age faster. Vitamin C helps against this damage.


The B complex vitamins are a group of vitamins that work together. They’re good for the heart, help turn food into energy, and keep our immune system strong. They also help keep our skin, hair, and nails healthy and young-looking.

Some of the B vitamins are:

  • B1 (thiamine)
  • B2 (riboflavin)
  • B3 (niacin)
  • B5 (pantothenic acid)
  • B6 (pyridoxine)
  • B7 (biotin)
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin)

Since these vitamins do so much, they’re often used in IV drips to keep people healthy.

Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

Vitamin B7, also called biotin, helps make our skin, hair, and nails strong and healthy. It’s also important for turning food into energy and keeping our nervous system working well.

Not having enough biotin can cause problems like hair loss, weak muscles, and trouble with coordination. Biotin can’t be absorbed through the skin, so getting it through an IV can help prevent these problems.

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)

Vitamin B12 is important for our brain and nerves. It helps with memory, concentration, and gives us energy.

It also helps make new red blood cells. Not having enough B12 can lead to anemia, which makes you feel tired and weak.

Some people have trouble absorbing B12, so they might need to get it through an IV. Low levels of B12 might also be linked to memory problems and diseases like dementia.


Glutathione is like a bodyguard inside our cells. It stops bad stuff from harming them. This protector attaches to toxins and helps the body get rid of them. Glutathione is involved in many body processes like fixing DNA and removing toxins.

When we don’t have enough glutathione, our cells can get damaged more easily. Taking extra glutathione can help prevent this damage.

High levels of glutathione can defend cells from damage, help with cell death, and keep our cells healthy. It can also help remove toxins from our body quickly.

Glutathione might also help stop severe inflammation, like what happens with COVID-19. People at risk of severe illness from COVID-19 might benefit from having enough glutathione in their bodies.

Amino acids

Amino acids are like tiny building blocks in our body. They make up a big part of proteins, which are super important for our body’s functioning. They help with things like growing, healing, digesting, and giving us energy.

There are three types of amino acids:

  1. Essential: We need to get these from food because our body can’t make them.
  2. Non-essential: Our body can make these on its own.
  3. Conditional: These become important when our body is dealing with stress or sickness.

Our body needs a mix of these amino acids every day to stay healthy. If we don’t get enough, our muscles and tissues won’t work well.

Athletes often use amino acids to boost their performance because they help with endurance, energy, and muscle strength.


Magnesium is like a helper in our body. It’s involved in several jobs, like keeping our muscles and nerves working well, making our bones strong, and controlling our blood sugar and pressure.

With mutile benefits, magnesium is included in several treatments to keep us healthy.

Having enough magnesium can give us more energy and help our heart work better. It can also improve our mood and even help with depression.

Not having enough magnesium can make us feel tired, weak, or even cause health problems like heart disease or diabetes.


Taurine is a special kind of amino acid that does lots of jobs in our body, especially in our heart, muscles, brain, and eyes.

We usually get enough taurine from foods like meat, fish, and dairy. But some people, like vegetarians, might need to take additional supplements.

Taurine helps with things like regulating minerals in our cells, supporting our immune system, and keeping our muscles and nerves healthy.

It’s also helpful for athletes, as it can reduce tiredness and make our muscles work better.

NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide)

NAD is like a helper for our metabolism. It helps keep our energy levels up, regulates reactions in our body, and keeps our cells healthy.

As we age, our NAD levels drop, which can affect how well our body works. Taking NAD supplements can help improve muscle function, energy levels, and even mental health.

It’s like a boost for our body’s engine, helping it run smoother and better.

Stem Cells

Stem cells are like superheroes for our body. They can help with all sorts of problems like pain, diseases, and even aging.

Unlike injections that target specific areas, stem cells given through an IV can reach every part of our body.

They’re super versatile and can turn into any type of cell we need, helping our body heal and grow new tissues. It’s like giving our body a fresh start.


Exosomes are tiny particles found in all body fluids. They carry important stuff like DNA, RNA, proteins, and fats from one cell to another. They help cells communicate with each other, promote healing, and clean up waste in the body.

Getting more exosomes through IV therapy can help with chronic pain, inflammation, and tissue repair.

Lipostat Plus

Lipostat Plus is a mix of amino acids and vitamins that help our body use energy and burn fat. It contains Methionine, Inositol, and Choline to break down fat and Vitamins B6 and B12 for energy.

Using Lipostat Plus can help boost energy and encourage our body to burn fat instead of storing it.

Monoclonal Antibodies – Bebtelovimab

Monoclonal antibodies are lab-made proteins that help our immune system fight viruses. Bebtelovimab is a monoclonal antibody that stops the COVID-19 virus from spreading in our body. It can reduce the severity and duration of COVID-19 symptoms, especially in high-risk adults.


Zinc is a mineral that our body needs for a strong immune system, metabolism, and wound healing. Taking zinc when you have a cold can make symptoms less severe and shorter.

Not having enough zinc can affect many parts of our body, like bones, skin, and digestion. It’s found in foods like meat and seafood, and it’s often included in IV treatments to support overall health.

Get The Right IV Treatment

Manhattan IV Therapy in NYC offers the blend of all these beneficial nutrients and supplements in their tailored IV drips to treat multiple health conditions. Book your appointment with Dr. Syra Hanif today, and get more detail and guidance in a consultation with the leading physician.

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